Fishing has been spotty with worms under a float working in shallower water close to the weed beds, Fishers trolling wedding bands and spinners or hot shots was slow but not many out there fishing these methods. Earlier in the week there were small hatches of #14 and #16 chironomids and fishers who found them and set up on them did very well. Blood worm patterns fished a foot off the bottom did catch fish on the drop-offs from 14 to 15 foot levels, larger fish were moving through but not feeding. Micro leeches under an indicator worked, along with stripping dragon fly nymphs caught fish. Last Thursdays wind stirred up blood worms and many were seen on the surface ranging in color from pale to deep red and bright red, fish were feeding on something on the surface while I was out yesterday morning, gee…never though of tying up a floating blood worm!! Bright red 12 2x blood worm with a copper bead worked well if slowly retrieved and John Kent’s Elvis pattern #12 3x took the static presentation hard. 1/2 of the fish were lost due to lip takes, just not committed. Check a nice fish at the fish cleaning station and it had #12 brown chironomids and a bunch of black leeches from an inch in length to 3 inches in length in it’s stomach. Water temperatures are still on the cool side but not to cold to shut down chironomid hatches, weather out look looks nice with high pressure sticking around for a few weeks and daytime temps 22-23 for the future few weeks. Last year the last 2 week of August had very good chironomid fishing with the large chironomids coming off, hope it stays warm enough to keep the water temps from lowering any to get some hatches going again this week and into the weekend. Come and see us in out store and we can help explain how to fish with bloodworms, typically on a fly rod with floating line or set you up with slip floats on a spinning rod, you also can chironomid fish using a spinning rod, just come and see us..