Aug. 15,24

Unstable weather patterns the past week slowed down chironomid hatches over the deeper water along with shallower areas, some fish moved to shallower water and were a bit cooperative on various patterns during some parts of the day, tight lipped at other times even with visible hatches. The fish in deeper water has lightened up but some are still there but very tight lipped, they must be there feeding but we just can’t figure it out. Damsels have slowed down with the cooler weather, dragon flies are about along with cinnamon caddis and mayflies. Fishing peaked in the deep areas of the lake the first week of August with a few nice fish to 26 in. but mainly 1.5 to 2lbs along with this years stockers, they were feeding on different patterns than in years past. Cool May and June, a 3 week heat wave that pushed the fish down deep or into the weeds then a cooler pattern dropped lake temps and now unstable weather the past week with rain forecast through out the day today. Trollers using leeches, gang trolls, kwik fish and folks fishing worms have had some success. We just have to hope for stable weather to return and fish to be happier, hatches are there with chironomids  to large very dark greens #10 and #12’s adults seen, reds, brown and burgundy.


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