Fishing has slowed the past number of days. fish have been down 8-12 feet and a few a couple feet off bottom moving and not stationary or sulking on the bottom. Damsels and dragon flies are flying around with the odd small caddis, mayfly’s have also been seen. Fish have been caught on pumkinheads, mayfly nymphs, leeches, anti-static bag with red rib or burgundy, Guns and Roses and Bleeding Elvis. Trollers are trolling Kwick fish and hot shots and some are using gang trolls with either a wedding band and worm or a Kwickfish or a Frog Hot Shot. Trollers if putting in the time should catch fish this time of year. Worm under a float also works while anchored over or along the weedbeds, looking for moving fish is one way to catch the fish. Casting spinners like the blue Fox can also work.