Lake ice conditions are starting to transition to ice off. 15 inches of ice exist, with the wind and warmer air temperatures it’s slowly deteriorating the ice surface. Ice thickness is the thinnest in years and hoping ice off a … Continue reading
Ice thickness is between 9 and 10 inches with a foot of snow on the ice creating a few slushy spots. We have had just a few folks fishing recently who caught fish to 16 inches although larger ones we … Continue reading
Ice is 3 1/2 inches thick 50 feet off the resorts shoreline, other areas of the lake may have less ice. The lake froze over after thawing 3 times the past 3 weeks due to the warmer weather and has … Continue reading
Fishing the past week has been good fishing in shallow water, water temps are down to 45 Deg. Water boatman, small damsel nymphs, scuds from #12 down to #18, pumkinheads and small caddis nymphs produced fish. Weekend fishers had a … Continue reading
Fishing continues to be good the past week besides yesterday where one had to work harder to get into them. Fish have been caught with worm under a float if anchored, Kwik Fish, Hot Shots and spinners working if trolling, … Continue reading
Summer like conditions earlier in the week made for comfortable fishing. Scuds(shrimp) have been the hot fly weather stripped slowly or quickly and even under the indicator, static or twitched with varying retrieves has been productive, One must fish next … Continue reading