We have approx. 12″ of ice on the lakes right now. Fishing has been consistent with rainbows being caught at a variety of depths. Stable weather makes good fishing, when it is unstable the fish can be a bit moody in the colder water.
The usual presentations are working, but fishing some more aggressive lures like Jigging Rapalas or bigger Jigging spoons( ie: Bue Fox more-Slida) spoons have been working well.
Fishing success through the ice today, could best be described as fantastic!! The rainbows were definitely ‘on’ this morning, and it was literally fish after fish, and all released to fight another day. Fishing in the deeper areas of the lake, about 3 feet off the bottom, rainbows fell for a spoon with a small jighead on a 6″ dropper, tipped with a chunk of cooked shrimp, or dew worm. The flash of the spoon jigged, called the fish in to look at the bait tipped jig, and they could not help themselves. Some hits were violent, but most were subtle and very light. The trout fought extremely well, and using a reel with good drag system was a must, these trout sure pulled line out on there runs! This ‘early’ ice conditions, can provide some of the best ice fishing of the year. Ice thickness varied from 6-8″ of ice in the couple areas we drilled today.
Ice thickness varies from 4″-6″ depending on the part of the lake, but we have not been all over the lake to know thickness in other areas, so use caution if you venture out form other access points.
Right now, rainbows are being caught on small pieces of worm or chunks of cooked shrimp. Typically some of the best ice fishing is at early ice.
It won’t be long until it’s safe for ice fishing.
Watch for updates here on ice conditions and ice fishing reports.
Nov.23/10 – we drilled and there is only 2″ of solid black ice, and about 2″ of white porous ice, definitely NOT safe.
Nov.25/10 – drilled and we now have 4.5″ of solid black ice out in front of the resort. We have not been elsewhere’s on the lake to determine ice thickness.
Nov. 28/10 – Ice was 6″ thick out front, but upon traveling out a bit farther, the ice was only 3″ thick at points, definitely still not safe! Snow on the alke is insulating the surface from the cold,and really slowing the ice making process.
Lake is still open, no ice even in the back bays. Fish are still being caught, but are up very shallow. pressure on them is next to known.

Weather has been fair with near freezing temps(3-5Deg) at night with highs to the mid teens making for comfortable afternoons.
Fish are averaging two pounds with an occasional 3-4 lb fish angled.

Fishing has been very good, fish have been up shallow due to the consistent nice weather. Usual patterns are working.
Some incredible weather bathed the Tunkwa area this past week, sunny warm days, with nice clear, cool nights. Fishing remained steady, with most hooking up. We had rainbow trout to 24″ landed last week. Feeding fish are definitely shallow, in as little as 2′ feet of water, or cruising on top of the wed beds. Fly anglers fishing floating lines seemed to fair the best, with K-Marts, dark coloured Micro leaches or Doc Spratleys producing best. Some success was reported fishing red or green bloodworm patterns, just off the weed beds, close to the softer bottom. Guests fishing worms reported mixed results, some getting into the trout but some not being able to get bit, despite fish moving all around them. Trolling action picked back up Sunday afternoon, with some good catches coming off Gold or Copper blades, with a plain hook & worm run about 18″ behind them. Weather forecast is looking great going into the Thanksgiving weekend, and some good fishing opportunities are still to be had this fall.
Salmon fishing on the nearby Thompson River is still producing Sockeyes, with lots of springs coming through right now, the Salmon season on the river is quickly coming to a close on the 30th of this month

A real change, for the better, in the weather as of yesterday afternoon, with lots of sunshine, and warmer temps. This seemed to get the trout fired up and moving again, as they could be seen rising all over the lake. Guests reported fishing certainly picked up in the afternoon. The sun and warmth also brought about a good hatch of chironomids, mostly about size 14’s, but the odd really big one in the mix. They were a pale grey or brown colour. With the clear nights, come cool nightime temps, and we should soon be noticing more ‘boatman’ activity on the water, due to this.
Reports coming in from neighbouring lakes are about the same, with action a bit slow, all depending on the weather.
Good reports are coming from guests that are day tripping over to the Thomspon river, fishing salmon. Beside the seemingly never ending run of Sockeys blasting through, there seems to be a lot more Jack Spring salmon in the river now, and there ferocious appetite and great fight, for there size, is providing some great sport, and excellent eats. Fresh roe fished under a float, in areas of the river that allow bait, is hands down, the best presentation for the Jacks and Springs.

Salmon fishing for Sockeye, or Jack Springs in the Thompson continues to be consistent.
Cool nights and lower daytime temps, coupled with some cool rains, have really made it seem like fall up here!

Size 12 and even some bigger size 10, in brown/copper, static bag, maroon silver were hot. One had to experiment with the proper depth setting though. We have seen some good hatches of Bomber size chironies happening this past week. Trollers were picking up fish, on smaller Gibbs gang trolls, tipped with a worm. Also, worms set under a float continue to work well. Some reports of trout being caught on micro leaches under lower light periods, maroon, olive and black have been working. Cool nights have dropped Tunkwa water temps, and some days are really starting to feel like fall. The campfire ban has ben lifted up here, and guests can again, have campfires and experience a more complete Tunkwa fishing experience.
Some area lakes have been producing some nice catches for guest day tripping out. Also, guests just going down the Tunkwa Lake Road, to fish the nearby Thompson river, are still commenting on the incredible run of Sockeyes going through, and are limiting out on bright Sockeyes. Resident trout fishing has been slow, as has the Jack Spring fishery, mostly attributed to all the Sockeye in the system.

We had are first frost this morning, a light frost, water boatman were in some of the fishes stomach contents and seen along the shore so it signals that fall fishing is now upon us suddenly after a few very warm weeks of sunshine. Fall fishing is one of the best times to get on the stillwaters, cool but warm sunny days, in hoping we all get an Indian Summer.
Guests fishing worms off a slup float or suspended off the bottom, with a marshmellow or power bait have been doing the best. Chironomid fishermen have had some good days as well, with the usual patterns, in size 10 or 12longs working well, patterns tied in Anti-Statc-Bag, Maroon/silver, Black Electras, Green/red-Butt or KD’s, have been the best producers. Some guests have been having success fishing damsel pattern nymphs, as well as K-Marts and the reliable Pumkinhead patterns, all in olive. Weather forecast this week is looking fantastic, with warm, rain free days, and nice cool nights, perfect lake fishign conditions.
Guest day tripping to nearby lakes are having some great days as well, again mostly fishing chironomids.
We have had some guests day tripping over to the nearby Thompson River, reports indicate resident rainbow fishing has been slower, mostly due to the incredible numbers of Sockeye Salmon in the river. Sections of the Thompson opened this week to allow Sockeye retention. Fishing for Jack Salmon in the river has been spotty, with some days seeing good numbers around, other days, very few, but this will only pick up as the run progresses and strengthens.

Fishing has picked up dramatically Wednessday as some anglers were into 30 plus fish to 4 lbs on Chironomids. Anti-static bag in sizes 14-10, brown with copper rib white bead(Bomber sizes) and black with silver rib and white fished in 10-13 feet of water. Throat samples have shown the darker green large chironomids in the fish which have the locals excited for the anticipated Bomber hatch(size 8-10 chiromomids) that hatch in early August that is famous for Tunkwa lake as the much larger fish key in on the hatch and the feeding frenzy begins and typically lasts 10- 14 days. With the high pressure ridge filling into the southern interior
beautiful weather will envelope the region with sunshine. Caddis pupae were sampled a few days ago and pupae imitations resulted in good fishing off the weed beds. Calibatis(Mayfly) have been hatching sporadically during the day with heavier hatches into the evening, along with the caddis are some very large chironomids that are of Bomber size coming out of the shallower bays like Bloodworm Bay. Fish are boiling in these bays in the evenings and one thinks to fish the “in the surface flies or dry flies as the fish appear to be on them only to do a throat sample and find Caddis pupae stuffed in their stomachs of fish taken for the dinner table. Water temps have dropped to below 70 Deg with a couple of cooler nights. Fish are nice and firm still so one for dinner on the bbq makes for a nice finish of a days angling. Trollers have had success with willow leafs dabbed with a worm and worm under a float did extremely well yesterday just off the point on the
peninsula in front of the resort.
Guest day tripping out to some local lakes at higher elevation are reporting some good catches, as well the nearby Thompson River is fishing well for resident rainbows. These resident river trout are terrific fighters, and readily rise to the surface for larger dry or stimulator patterns. If they are not rising, try high-sticking(dead drift) a large dark coloured, weighted stonefly nymph, as this will usually entice them to hit. There is also a large number of Sockeye salmon passing through the Thompson, and some early ‘jack’ Chinooks are starting to be caught in the river as well.

Reports from neighbouring Leighton Lake, indicate it is a bit spotty, but is having it’s moments, with some of the better action is happening either first thing or very late in the day.
It is a great time to be out fishing Tunkwa and Leighton lakes, no summer doldrums up here!

One of many for Justin, who had the ‘hot’ rod!

Fishing has picked up dramatically at Tunkwa today, one guest was in by 8:00a.m. with his limit. Fish are “jumping all over” in a number of areas of the lake mentioned by guests this afternoon. Damsels are still migrating and large chironomid shucks are on the lake surface suggesting chironomid hatches in larger sizes have begun. Early this afternoon the ‘K-mart’ fly was doing very well, stripped in on an intermediate line off the weed beds and Goose Island. Water temps are hovering at 64 Deg and should rise with the sunny weather to 67 to 69, the chironomid hatches should really take off. Scuds, caddis pupae, bloodworms and now some black and green chironomids are in the stomach contents. Trollers using Gng trolls ahead of Kwikfish or HotShots are doing well today, worms on the wedding rings are also producing as well as the good ole’ worm and bobber, but the depth is the key to getting into quantities of fish. Weather outlook looks sunny for the weekend. Now, with a steady barometer and nice weather, fishing will be better than the past mixed bag of conditions.
Fishing reports coming in from guests are mixed, but everyone is into some trout. We are still experiencing some great caddis hatches in the evenings. This past Sat. we saw our first adult dragonflies flying around the lake, with more and more of them around everyday. The past couple days, there has been a big migration of damselfly nymphs heading towards the shore. As well, the lake surface has lots of chironomid shucks, mostly size 12’s in a ‘carrot’ colour, but there are some bigger bomber sized ones in the mix. All this insect activity, and the fly anglers are having a tougher time dialing into them. Best fly action has come by drifting or stripping in an olive coloured ‘K-mart Special’, olive or Maroon leach patterns or caddis nymph imitators. Trick seems to be figuring out the right depth, for the time of the day. With the bright sunshine, and lower algae bloom, the fish are moving deeper mid day, and up in the shallows above the emerging weeds in the lower light periods. Couple trout with there stomach pumped today were full of tiny green bloodworms. Reports from guests day tripping to area lakes are reporting in general, the same kind of slower action. Guest fishing the old “garden hackle”(worm) under a slip float are hooking into trout as well, again just a matter of figuring out the right depth for the time of day. Some bigger rainbows fell victim to a slow trolled Kwikfish, fished just off the bottom in deeper areas of the lake. We saw fish to just over 4 lbs landed this past week, and some good tales of the big ones that got away!

Trolling, using darker coloured Hotshots and Kwikfish, were hooking up, just weighting them a touch to get them a bit deeper. Gang trolls and wedding bands tipped with worms also produced. Worms worked as well, but the best action came using them under a slip float, set really close to the bottom in the deeper areas of the lake.
We had a couple reports of some great chironomid fishing, esp. later in the afternoon, some of the usual Chironie patterns were working, but in size 12 range, some bigger bomber sized ones were producing at times as well. Browns, black/silver, or anti static-bags patterns were all working.

Also a bit of surface action was seen matching the hatch to the smaller green caddis that have been coming off in good numbers.

Today we saw some serious wind and wave action, as well as a huge drop in temps, sure to put the fish off for the time being. The weather is supposed to be back to where it was starting tomorrow, and we should see some good success once the lakes settles down. remember to try fishing bloodworm patterns just after a big wind, they tend to get stirred up off the bottom, and suspend, the bigger rainbows cannot help themselves when offered such easy pickings.
Mixed reports from area lakes, but guests day tripping are finidng success as well.
Great picts and fish Ken, thanks!
Warm and sunny, just beautiful on the lake today!
Warm days, but nice cool nights, just perfect!!!
The aquatic bugs have started hatching as well, amazing what a couple days of stable warm weather will do to things. Surface water temp is around 62F mid day, and chironomids are hatching. Also, smaller caddis were all over the surface later this aft. Some steady action was seen today, fishing larger green/red butt chironies, then later in the day smaller KD’s. ‘Static’ bag and black/red chironies were working today as well. Guest drifting or trolling green bodied ‘Doc Spratleys’ are into trout, as well.
Any guests fishing worms, set just off the bottom, under a slip float, are into the rainbows as well. Great to see everything coming together for our fishermen guests!

A beautiful bright 23″ Tunkwa fish that pulled the scales down to 5.5lbs, great catch Jacquie!

An incredible sunset across Tunkwa, enjoyed most nights.

Guest with a nice football shaped rainbow, tricked on a leach pattern, taken on one of his day trips out from Tunkwa.

Bob & Major, pose with this beauty 24″ x 15.5″ taken on a fast stripped Pumkinhead fly, fished deep along a weed edge on a type VI line.

A nice Tunkwa trout that fell for Static bag chironomid under an indicator.

Guests from Australia in for a quick morning fish, and landed a few nice ones.
Guest fishing local lakes, on day trips are still reporting good catches, but even they have slowed down a touch, most likely due to the storms and falling barometer.
Weather forecast is looking great for the upcoming week, and the Guest registered for the BC Outdoors Magazine, “Fishing with the Pro’s Weekend”, featuring Brian Chan and Phil Rowley, should have a great weekend!

The fist appearance of damsel flies was observed the past couple days, a good sign for the fly fisherman. Guest day tripping to area lakes are doing well, lakes at lower elevations have been fishing better. Today we finally saw some intense sunshine, and the weather forecast is calling for some beautiful, seasonable weather this weekend. We should see some improved fishing because of this.

A beauty 4lb plus rainbow, taken off the shore in front of this guests cabin, NICE FISH!
A little bit less rain in the area, amde for a nice change. fishign was sporatic, but some guests did very well, it seemed everyone was catching some fish. We saw several fish in the 3lb plus range come in, and had another rainbow just over 5 lbs caught and released.
Checking stomach contents on the cleaning table, we noticed a lot of bigger blood worms, mostly green, but some red ones as well, and scuds or small chironomids(darker green) making up the rest of there diets.
Trolling Kwikfish or Hotshot plugs in darker colours put fish in the boat. Guest fishing worms under a float continued to do very well, just a matter of being in the right areas. Reports from guests fly fishing indicated trolling leaches, pumpkinhead patterns was the best bet. Anglers set up fishing chironomid fishing, did get into fish, but had to wor for them, size 14 Tunkwa green chironies or #16 static-bag patterns were worikng, but blood worm or scud patterns under the indicator produced as well. Some stable warmer weather in the short term forecast will help intensify the hatches and sure to improve the fly fishing.

Unstable weather again passing through the area, made fishing sporatic for all. Fish are scattered throughout the depths, and are being a bit moody, even active jumping fish, seem to be really down compared to normal. Despite this, guests are still catching fish, with slow trolled leach patterns the best bet for the fly anglers, and the worm being the best bet for guests fishing gear. Tuesday forecast is calling for sun and warmer temps.
Several guests are doing day trips out to some smaller, local lakes, and reporting some good catches. Neighbouring Leighton lake has been fishing similar to Tunkwa and has been fishing a bit moody as well.

Beautiful morning this morning along with some much warmer temperatures. Fishing late afternoon yesterday, fish were taking the odd calabetis (Mayfly) pupae grey in color, but fish were turning onto the smaller chironomids, as the larger ones were not hatching. Fish were actively taking size #12 “Tunkwa” green chironomids, #12 brown, copper ribbed/gold bead chironomids and anti-static scud patterns were producing as well. Fish were feeding in 13 to 14 feet of water 3 to 4 feet above the bottom. Worm fisherman did very well casting close to shore with a float 3 feet above their worm in 4 feet of water. Pan fried last night, these fish were delicious. Trollers also did well with flatfish in perch and cracked frog, or gang trolls tipped with worms. Stomach contents showed fish are still feeding on scuds and small black chironomids. Sunshine and some much nicer weather are forcasted for the weekend.
Report just in from a guest….. the Mayfly’s are coming off heavy in front of the resort campground, swallows were active earlier today but are on the move to find the new heavy hatches.
We had lots of unstable weather pass through the area, this past weekend, making the fishing spotty, but it seemed everyone caught trout. Chironomid fishing seemed to slow down a bit and he anglers who trolled were doing bests. Lots of trout on the cleaning table, and they were absolutely stuffed with scuds, hardly any chironies despite the strong hatches going on. Anglers that keyed in on this switch in diet did well. We are starting to see the first signs of mayflies hatching as well. Trolling, Flatfish and Hotshot plugs proved to be the best producers, with darker colours or bright reds/orange the best ones. Green, or glow coloured wedding bands tipped with worms also worked well. Guests trolling larger leach patterns in blue/maroon, egg sucking leaches and similar flies, did well at times as well. Scuds patterns slow trolled or drifted put fish on the end of the line as well. We are continuing to see some bigger trout, with one guest reported landing a 26″ rainbow this past weekend. this nicer, more stable weather should see the fishing turn more consistent again.

Guest reproted the rainbows really turne on yesterday, esp. in the afternoon. Chironomid hatches were thick in the air, and fish were feeding heavily on them. Many better than average, sized fish were caught, with some really good numbers of fish as well. Larger size 12- long Chironomids, tied in bright green or copper/brown, either with a white bead, fished 1′ off the bottom in 12-15 feet of water, were the best producers.
Guests trolling HotShots and Kwikfish plugs, or leach patterns, also reported some good action.
Some unsettled weather has moved into the region, and we will see how this effects the fishing.
Lake level has dropped a bit, but is still quite high, and water clarity is excellent from what we can see in front of the resort.
Absolutely incredible weather all week, including the weekend, sure helped improve the fishing. Water temps are slowly rising, and more chironomid hatches are being reported. The cleaning station was very busy yesterday, with fish up to 4.2lbs, several reliable reports of even bigger fish being caught but released as well. Instead of the tiny chiro’nies in there stomachs, we’ve just started to see larger and darker ones, some up to a size 10 in there stomachs. Some guest are really ‘on’ the fish, and catching large numbers of them, while others are working harder, but are into fish as well. Many regular guests are commenting on the larger than average size of the rainbows trout this year, which is really good to hear. Chironomids are the best producers for the fly anglers, with smaller size 16 being the best size earlier in the week, but now, larger sizes up to 12’s are starting to be equally effective. Anti-static bag patterns, darker greens as well as copper or browns are working. Drifting or trolling leach or pumpkinhead patterns are working as well. Guest trolling Kwikfish and HotShot plugs are also reporting good success. Drifting worms just under the surface is also working well. From the looks of things, fishing is going to keep getting better and better, and we should see some incredible action this week!
Some unsettled weather passing through the interior this past weekend, made fishing success very spotty, but it seemed most guest we talked to, were catching some fish. Weather sure has improved with today being our first nice, sunny and warm day! Fish responded to the nicer weather, and by later afternoon and evening, guests were reporting catching more rainbows. Mix of various types of presentations are working. Flatfish in brighter colours, trolled just under the surface, was working, as awre worms under a float. Flies slwoly trolled, like the Pumpkinhead, Wolly Buggers or Leach patterns also were catching trout. Best action still is in the shallows, and flies fished sub surface, even in the surface film, were producing. Chironomids tied in copper, red/black or chromie patterns seemed to be best. water temps vary between 42-48F, depending on where, and who we ask. With the weather forecast looking really favorable, fishing should only keep picking up as the water warms, and the hatches come off in full flurry.
The sun returned after a number of days of unsettled weather, chironomids started to come off late yesterday evening in size #16’s as the water temperature lowered to 42 Deg from 46 earlier in the week. Spring is slowly returning with milder temps forecast this weekend and into next week which should make for better fishing and a bit more comfortable conditions. Fishing has been spotty with some anglers doing well if one finds the fish, fish have been taken on maroon and black leeches and micro leeches, bloodworms and black chironomids close to the bottom.
#12 olive ‘Bird of Prey’s’ were doing well casting into the trees…er…treed shoreline edges, as the rainbows were in very shallow water. Bruce’s StaticBag scud patterns were successful around structure. One group of guests did very well last Friday catching more fish then they could count, while others got skunked or others into 5-8 fish, location was a key factor, you ahve to find the actice trout, as these fish hit every fly cast at them…..
Pumpkinheads and immature damsel patterns also fished fair. A low is moving in late this afternoon with showers/rain tonight, then clearing with a possibility of thunderstorms tomorrow with cooler temps until later in the week, when temperatures are supposed to rise, and should continue warming up water temps.
Tunkwa’s lake level has risen rapidly the past week with oxygen and nutrient loaded runoff being carried into the lake from the many creeks that run into the lake from the surrounding mountain sides.
Water temps are staying about the same, and lake level continues to rise. Night time temps the past couple nights have stayed way above freezing, in the 6 -8C range, and unstable weather has made fishing a bit challenging, but the trout are out there, and feeding as well. The trout are moving into the shallows to aggressively feed, and when they come in, they make there presence known with much surface activity. Best tactic is to keep moving, stopping to fish only where you see the fish activity. Today we encountered a lot of mid day activity in 7-9 feet of water, on a last step into a shallow bay, fish were all over the place on this small drop off, besides being on the surface, the graph was constantly lit up with fish on the screen. Quite a few fish in excess of 3 lbs where seen clearing the water. Heavy hatches of greenish micro sized chironomids were noted coming out of the shallow bay, but some a bit bigger and darker, #16/14, were mixed in with them. Action was had with smaller(14’s) dark chironomids, and black micro leaches/BMW’s, fished under strike indicators or stripped back on a slow sink tip line. Fish were also taken today fishing along submerged deadfall trees on some protected shorelines, attractor patterns like Pumpkinhead and Spratleys worked. Plan on loosing some tackle fishing this way, but fish are actively feeding in the old dead branches. As soon as we get some steady weather, and a warming trend, fishing should go like gang busters!
Yesterdays sunny/calmer conditions helped warm the Tunkwa’s water a bit. A temperature reading off the resort dock this morning showed 42F, with water out front still being very clear. Small chironomid husks/shells could be seen on the surface, and some smaller copper, with a reddish-butt, adults were observed in the surface film.
Mild temperatures and moderate winds have significantly deteriorated the ice on Tunkwa Lake. As of yesterday afternoon, we would estimate that 90%+ of the ice is honeycombed and there are large fish-able areas open right now included the area in front of the resort. Lots of fish activity was observed over the weekend with a few huge ker-plunks! The weather is forecast to be very mild for the next 2 days and we expect ice-off by Wednesday. If you are eager to be the first to fish Tunkwa this year, you might want to plan to be at the resort for Wednesday!
Some unseasonably cool weather last week, coupled with some really cold nights, sure didn’t help the ice deterioration much, although the high winds we had a couple days, did pile some ice up along the shoreline. The effects from yesterday mid teen Celsius temps, along with the bright, warm sun, saw the ice darken and start getting water on top of it. Today’s warm rain, and ensuing flush of warmer water from our feeder creeks, will help really spread things along. We were all off on our guesses for ice-off this year, instead of a record early one, we will probably end up with just an average one, coming off mid April….soon!
Not much new to report. ‘Ice-off’ continues to be happening, with daytime temps often hitting into the double digits Celsius, coupled with lots of strong sunshine, and some moderate breezes, with all working at eroding the ice quickly. The lake level has risen a bit from some recent snow run off, and lots of open water can be seen all along the edges of Tunkwa, with a couple of the small bays already open. At times, tiny chironomids can be seen hatching from the little bits of open water. There is still lots of deep snow in the mountains around Tunkwa, which has still to make it’s way into the system, but that typically takes a long time to happen. We still predict an early ice off here, and we should see an early jump start to the open water fishery. Watch here on our fishing reports for updates on the ice leaving, and keep an eye on our web cam, to give you instant visual update on what’s going on out on the lake. Anglers fishing a couple of the nearby lakes already open, are reporting some good catches of rainbows on attractor fly patterns.
Ice conditions along the Tunkwa shoreline are deteriorating fast, making getting onto the ice a risky proposition right now. We have had several very warm days, coupled with warm breezes, effecting ice quality fast, the open season will not to be too far off! Keep posted, or watch our web cam for the ice off. A couple nearby lakes, at lower elevation, are open and have been fishing well the past few weeks.
Warm weather has melted some of the lower snow in the basin here and snow that fell last Friday morning, the lake has about 17 inches of ice still on it as guest last week had slow to satisfactory fishing with fish to under 2lb’s and one story of a big one getting stuck in the hole. The line broke close to the top of the hole after a 15 minute fight with the fish, cold hands and some excitement made it difficult to grab the fish as it was stuck in the hole, dropping inch by inch with every attempt to grab it eventually dropping down into the lake to be chased one more time in it’s life. Guests on the weekend did fair better with a number of fish at 2lbs and one 4lb fish for them to take home. Fish bit on worms and cooked shrimp and some raw shrimp.
Morgan and 6-Mile lakes are now ice free for a few weeks as this unseasonable mild winter and early spring has brought ice off much sooner than in recent memory. I’m expecting ice off mid April to the third week of April, two to three weeks early.
Guest are still ice fishing as the ice is still safe for some time now.
The birds and wildlife are about, a wonderful sound of spring in the air the past week or two as snow falls in the hills of Forge and Bose Mountain this afternoon giving us some much needed moisture.
Seems like winter has returned to Tunkwa, temps dipped down to -17C last night, and the lake could be heard groaning, making ice all night. Daytime temps, with the bright sunshine is getting back up there. Fishing pressure was relatively light this this past weekend, with reports of a few fish being caught, and some light biters letting you knwo they were still there. Some fish caught today, being caught just below the ice surface, sititing high in the water column. The rainbow trout are still out there, and being mobile to keep moving until you find them, seems to be key lately. Ice is still at 17″ and holding hard. Couple of the local lakes, at lower elevations, had there ice come off last week, allowing some anglers to get a good jump start on there open water fishing.
Fishing was tougher this weekend, and fish really seeemed to be off, some good bites and action came at first light, then reallly slowed down the rest of the day. We had the Western Canadain Rep. for Humminbird electronics in this weekend, and we had a chance to field test some of the great new fish finder units from Humminbird. Although fishing at less then peak times, these units showed us many active fish, and we could really watch on the screen, the fish coming in to inspect our offerings, but would not bite, a bit frustrating, but still really impressive to be able to see and interput what was going on under there. Ice fishing with electronics, make a huge difference, and can really add to the ice fishing experience. If any of you are at the Outdoors Show, at the Tradex this upcoming weekend, stop in the Humminbird booth, and check out the units, and you can get an idea of what we are talking about. Also, I will be helping our friends at Shimano out at the show, so please stop by and say ‘Hi’.

Another beautiful weekend up on Tunkwa, sunny and clear days, with cold nights. Fishing was a bit slower this weekend, with the rainbows seemingly off a bit, but fish were still being caught. Fish are still up shallow, and taking the usual presentations. Best areas are still of the weed edges, in 6 -9′ feet of water. Cold nights are still seeing ice being made during the nights.

Fishing has been good for our guests this week on Tunkwa, the largest being 3lbs caught on cooked shrimp. Fish have been caught in Farmers Bay, off Goose Bay, Rock Bluff, Goose Island and off the Provincial Park boat launch. Temps have been +4 during the day to -5 at night. A system is approaching from the Southwest today, a slight breeze to 10km with overcast skies and snow developing in the mountains to the West in the past hour. Forecast of 3cm is predicted late this afternoon and into the evening, a much needed snow fall.
Tunkwa area finally received a much needed snowfall this weekend, with a few inches falling on us. Temps remained very mild, daytime just above freezing, with night time temps just dipping to below freezing. Ice is still anywheres from 12 – 18″ thick across the lake, with the only open water near the neck down into Corral Lake. There were many people out fishing this weekend, but reports indicates it was a bit slow, and the bite seemed to be off. Most of the fish that were caught, were by anglers away from the crowds, we cannot stress this enough, a stealthy approach is needed to be successful on these shallow alkes. Again cooked shrimp or krill, seemed to be the best bait. Beside the usual scuds in there stomachs, were are starting to see some green blood worms making up part of there diet now.
This snowfall has made the area look like a winter wonderland again, just a great time to be outdoors.

Rainbows to 4.5 lbs were caught anywhere from 18′ to as shallow as 9′ today. The best presentation was a krill shrimp fished on a dropper under a hookless flash spoon. Jigging the spoon agressively would bring the rainbows in for a look, and today they hard a hard time resisting the krill shrimp. Several larger fish were lost at the hole todoy, as pulling a big fish through on a light leader is a challenge. Fish were figting extremely well, and a reel with a good drag system was a must. Temps today started off at -4 C but rose to just above freezing, it was overcast with a good breeze.
Some unusually mild weather has been with us the past few days, but not too worry, it has not effected the ice one bit, only packing down the snow, and forming a few puddles on our ice rink. Ice thickness is still close to 16″. Anglers moving and finding active trout are hooking up, we had one of our guests stop in a few minutes ago and reported landing 6 rainbows this morning. All trout fell victim to a small piece of cooked shrimp fished under a sensitive float, some fish up high, just belwo the ice, but the bigger ones closer to the bottom. Bites are very soft and subtle, easily missed. As we get more people out there, we think the pieces will all come together on figuring out this new ice fishery on Tunkwa!