Pretty quiet weekend up here at the resort, with just a few guests in from the same Health Region. We have lots of availability until the restrictions are lifted May 25, when its normally very busy.
Tunkwa lake is in great shape, with levels rising slowly, water temps varying(upper 40’s) depending on the nigh-time temps. Most afternoon, swallows can be seen actively working the hatching chironomids outside the shallow lats, where they have been hatching. This past weekend some some very unstable weather throughout the region, with winds, rain, snow on the mountain tops, even hail coming down, definitely not ideal conditions to fish in, or get the bugs hatching heavy. Sunday afternoon saw the weather calm down, and the sun came out, and the chironomids started hatching. Fishing was good to excellent! Fishing the 5′-8′ depths, with small #16 chironomids, under the indicators, was producing. The Zucchini, Blue-Gnu and Elvis were the top chironomid patterns producing. Earlier in the week, tiny micro leach patterns, seemed to be hooking the bigger fish. The ‘B M W’ size #16 tied in Black, Olive or Maroon are our ‘go to’ leach pattern at this time of the year. Fish were also being caught from the shore casting small Blue Fox spinners. As is typical for early season on Tunkwa, the smaller rainbows(last years stockers) are ravenous and provide lots of action, but sometimes a move away from these fish, will get you into the better sized rainbows. Go Fish BC were here early last week, doing there first stocking of the lake.
See you out there!